Request for a Quote: Sign Type Drawings

Request for a Quote: Sign Type Drawings for the Ontario Sign Association A key guiding objective for the Ontario Sign Association is to contribute to the operational effectiveness and viability of the sign industry in Ontario and to be the provincial voice of authority on regulatory matters. As such, along with the Sign Association of…


What Makes Signs Difficult to Read?

These figures compiled by the Sign Research Foundation show the most common problems: 83%: Letters are too small. 71%: Placement of the sign makes it hard to see. 64%: Not sufficiently lit at night. 60%: Colour of letters does not stand out from the background. 53%: Digital signs change the message too fast. 48%: The…


Ministry of Labour Working at Heights Course

Thursday, March 28: Ministry of Labour Working at Heights Course Time: 8am-4:30pm Address: 260 Export Blvd, Mississauga, ON Price PP: $170 + HST (includes lunch) Course Outline   Logistics: Government issued Photo ID is required by all participants Participants are required to bring PPE Each participant must arrive 15 minutes prior to the course start time A Certificate of…


Bill Mantle Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

Bill Mantle of Tremblay Signs received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Sign Association and the Atlantic Chapter of the Sign Association of Canada. A long-time supporter of the association and the industry, Bill has also owned and operated Halifax’s Tremblay Signs for over 30 years! Bill, thank you for your outstanding contribution to the…


Environment and Climate Change Canada – National Strategy for Lamps Containing Mercury

The Sign Association GR Director attended a webinar held by Environment and Climate Change Canada in July. The objective is to create a national strategy for lamps containing mercury. The webinar identified key priority area gaps, proposed action and asked for feedback. Since this webinar, We have had in-person meetings with Environment and Climate Change…
