Risk Management for Operational Improvement and Greater Profit

Date: December 09, 2015

Speaker: Lou Polur, The John Galt Insurance Agency and Justin Boudreau, Mattatall Signs

Winter is coming, are you ready? Being a successful business owner means being able to anticipate events and plan for the future. Business insurance is one way of ensuring that you’re in control of your future rather than being controlled by it.

You should have the benefit of understanding what and why coverage exits. This in turn will enable you to make informed decisions. For instance, do you know which policy covers signs you are carrying in your truck to install? Are you sure you know?

Attend our webinar to:

  • Understand coverages of insurance
    • Business Interruption and Extra Expense
    • Commercial Auto
    • Property
    • Error and Omission for Manufacturers
    • Boiler and Machinery
    • Warranty
  • Explore How Carriers View These Risks
  • Create New Management Processes to Improve Business Profits with these Insurance Perspectives and Insights