Business Continuity Resources

In an interconnected global economy, the new coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) is affecting Canadian businesses and their operations. It has resulted in restrictions on travel and public gatherings, as well as supply chain disruptions and market uncertainty.

The Sign Association of Canada has assembled a list of resources to guide our members in the sign, graphics and visual communications industry. We will continue to monitor the situation and continually look for ways to bring your business information to help you meet the needs of your customers while best supporting the health and wellness of your employees.

Supporting your business :

Grants and resources available to your business include:

Supporting your employees:

People are the cornerstone of any successful business. It is important for you to protect your employees – open, two-way communication is essential to achieving this goal.

Provincial/Territorial Updates:

British Columbia
New Brunswick:
Newfoundland & Labrador:
Northwest Territories:
Nova Scotia:

January 12, 2021: OSA reached out to government contacts to request clarity about whether or not sign companies are considered essential businesses. While the sign industry is not specifically listed under businesses permitted to open, we want to direct you the Ontario Government document Enhancing Public Health and Workplace Safety Measures in the Provincewide Shutdown. Under the category Supply Chain, the definition provided is “Businesses that supply businesses or places that are permitted to open within Ontario, or that supply businesses or services that have been declared essential in a jurisdiction outside of Ontario, with the support, products, supplies, systems, or services, including processing, packaging, warehousing, distribution, delivery, and maintenance necessary to operate.” Sign companies in Ontario may want to have customers which are essential businesses complete this Affidavit of Sign & Graphics Work Required for an Essential Business as proof that the sign company is working to support an essential service.

OSA knows that at this time of great uncertainty you need as much up-to-date information as possible as it pertains to your business. Your association is here for you and will be updating this page as new information becomes available as we continue to advocate on your behalf.

Prince Edward Island (PEI):

Financial Implications and business preparedness:

It is also vital for Canadian businesses to have contingency plans in place to manage potential financial risk. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce, as well as Business Development Canada, has developed helpful and comprehensive guides to help you with planning and preparedness.

Business travel and events:

Companies should consider the impacts of international travel on their operations. Canada has several active travel health notices for COVID-19 for countries around the world. These are updated regularly based on ongoing risk assessments.

When it comes to conferences and business events, you can consult the Government of Canada’s advice on deciding whether to postpone or cancel a mass gathering of people.


Helpful Tips to Prepare Your Employees and Business

Attendance Policy

  • Encourage sick employees to stay home.
  • Remind employees of your paid (or unpaid) leave program.
  • Ensure your policy is consistent with current public health recommendations and existing federal, state and local laws.

Protect Against Discrimination and Harassment

Federal and provincial prohibit employers from discriminating against or harassing employees based on certain prohibited characteristics. Take all complaints seriously and launch a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into the complaint. If an investigation reveals that discrimination or harassment occurred, take immediate and appropriate corrective action.

Maintain Privacy

Treat all information about an employee’s illness as a confidential medical record, and keep it separate from their personnel file. If you inform employees about COVID-19/coronavirus in the workplace, do not reveal who has the illness.

Develop a Communications Plan

  • Have a plan in place for how you will reach employees with important updates: email, phone/text, fliers/posters in breakroom, internal web page that provides latest updates.
  • Identify the main point of contact to distribute information, manage process, respond to questions and employee concerns.
  • Develop messaging – what do you want to share; facts; impact; safety protocols, messaging for clients/outside entities, etc.
  • Develop an external communications plan that outlines what, when and how you will be communicating to you customers, vendors and other constitutes outside your organization.