As you may be aware, at the meeting of April 18, 2024, City Council adopted amendments to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 694, Signs, General. As a result, this amendment:
- Modified the provisions concerning the processing of applications for amendments to, and variances from, the provisions the Sign By-law;
- Delegated authority to the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to implement amendments to sign district designations contained in Schedule A, Maps, and related matters;
- Deleted the criteria listed at Subsection 694-30A(2) (“In the case of a third-party sign, be of a sign type that is permitted in the sign district, where the premises is located”), renumbering section 694-30A accordingly.
To discuss these changes and explain how they will affect sign variance and sign bylaw amendment applications going forward, we are organizing an educational session. Please be advised that this educational session will not be looking at other sections of the Sign By-law.
The session is scheduled for Wednesday, July 3, 2024, at 1:30 pm.
Please join the session using the following link:
We would also like to inform you that the deadline for Sign Bylaw Amendment applications for consideration in the 2024 cycle will be Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Prior to making any sign bylaw amendment applications, we would strongly encourage you to attend the July 3rd session as well as to contact us for a meeting to discuss the recommended course of action for your submission. We thank you for your time and for your participation in this training session, your contributions are greatly appreciated!