Board of Directors Nomination Application

Are you ready to make a lasting impact on the future of the Canadian sign industry? The Sign Association of Canada (SAC) is seeking passionate, visionary leaders to join our Board of Directors and help shape the direction of our association and the industry we serve.

SAC has a national board, three regional boards (Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec), and four chapter boards (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Atlantic Provinces). This form is intended for nominations to the SAC National Board of Directors.

As a board member, you will have a unique opportunity to collaborate with fellow industry leaders, identify opportunities for growth and innovation, and strengthen the programs and services that support and benefit our members nationwide. Together, we work to advance the sign industry and ensure its continued success and relevance.

Directors are asked to attend quarterly meetings, the Annual General Meeting and other special meetings; contribute time and effort for the betterment of the Sign Association; support and work to further the Association’s goals and vision; devote the requisite time to fulfill their duties as a board member; and possess a leadership orientation and desire to add value to the Association, its members, and the industry.

The nomination process is designed to identify, encourage and enlist the active participation of dedicated professionals in the service of the Sign Association at a leadership level. The procedures outlined below assist the nominating committee to conduct a fair and equitable evaluation, deliberation and recommendation process for all nominated candidates.

Timeline for Nomination & Election Process

The general process and timeline for the nomination process is:

  • Nomination application deadline: 3 weeks from the date of posting: March 20, 2025
  • The nomination committee will review all applications, conduct interviews as required and forward a recommended slate of nominees that complies with the by-laws, ensures the board of directors represents the range of participants in the industry and maintains continued leadership and effective governance practices.
  • The slate of nominees is presented by the nominating committee to the board for approval.
  • The slate of nominees is voted by the members electronically via an e-ballot and formally approved at the Annual General Meeting.

Nominating Committee

The nominating committee is typically chaired by the past president and may include both board and non-board members. This process is transparent and inclusive.

How to Submit a Nomination

Nominees must be members in good standing with national voting privileges and must submit the following materials by the nomination application deadline:

  • Nomination Form
    Each nominee must complete the Nomination Form to ensure that each candidate presents his/her qualifications in a consistent and orderly manner and that the nominating committee has the same information from all candidates.
  • At least two letters in support of the nomination must be supplied by Sign Association members in good standing with voting privileges. Letters must be included with the Nomination Form. Letters should address the candidate’s professional leadership experience and abilities, ability to serve as a director and ambassador for the Sign Association, and the candidate’s ability to engage in collegial, strategic discussion and debate.

Incomplete applications after the nomination application deadline will not be considered.

Criteria Used for the Selection of Board of Directors Candidates

In reviewing candidates, the nominating committee will consider the following:

  • Leadership and experience in the sign industry
  • Previous experience serving on a board
  • Knowledge and experience regarding opportunities and challenges facing non-profits
  • Involvement with and service to the Sign Association on a local or national level
  • Strategic thinking and the ability to envision opportunities for the industry nationally
  • Proven leadership attributes and the ability to work collaboratively and engage in debate and discussion
  • Commitment and ability to participate in all required meetings in person
  • Strong network within the sign and imagemaking industry
  • Ability to represent the Sign Association as an ambassador with stakeholders (cities/municipalities, agencies and other organizations)
  • Comprehensive tradeshow and fundraising experience

We are seeking to enhance representation from supplier member companies and strongly encourage qualified candidates from this membership level to apply.

If you have questions about the form or the nomination process, please contact the national office at 1- 877-470-9787 x 4 or email [email protected]. Your complete Nomination Application package (nomination form and 2 letters of support) must be received no later than the nomination application deadline – March 20, 2025.

Terms of Reference for Director Positions

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Keep the board of directors abreast of trends and developments that impact the industry
  • Build and enhance relationships within the sign and imagemaking sector
  • Assist with communicating and implementing strategic initiatives
  • Attend all board meetings, the Annual General Meeting and any other meetings as required by the board
  • Assist in other areas as required by the board


  • A member in good standing with national voting privileges
  • Excellent understanding of the Sign Association’s mission and activities
  • Previous board experience is preferable
  • Strong network within the industry is helpful
  • Experience in strategy and planning an asset
  • Demonstrated experience with revenue generation for a not-for-profit organization
  • Proven success in contributing to or growing large-scale national events or conferences

Time Requirements: Approximately 3 hours per month on average.

    Full Name *

    Membership Type *

    Member Since *

    Position|Title *

    Company *

    City *

    Province *

    Tel *

    Email *

    Application Submission Date *


    1. Please provide a personal statement highlighting why you are interested in being a director and why you would be a strong candidate (highlight interests, professional expertise/background, and qualifications for serving on the Sign Association board).

    2. Please highlight your Sign Association experience, including whether you have served on a national/chapter/regional board, committee, or task force, and define your roles and responsibilities.

    3. List other organizations, associations, clubs, trade groups, advisory boards, etc. with which you have been involved.

    4. Highlight the board of directors, committee, and volunteer experiences you have had outside of the Sign Association (please list the organization, roles and responsibilities, and time commitment).

    Upload Personal Statement *


    Each candidate must submit two (2) letters of recommendation from current Sign Association members in good standing, with the ability to vote. One letter must be from someone with whom the applicant does not have a direct business relationship. Please submit original letters. Letters should address the candidate’s professional leadership experience and abilities as noted in the “Criteria Used for the Selection of Board of Directors Candidates” section above. Please ensure the nominating committee has the names, addresses, email addresses and phone numbers of those recommending your candidacy.

    Upload Letter of Recommenttion #1 *

    Upload Letter of Recommenttion #2 *

    Nomination application deadline: March 20, 2025