BC Sign Association Slo – Pitch Tournament

Join the BC Sign Association for a Fun-Filled Slo-Pitch Tournament! Get ready for a day of friendly competition as the BC Sign Association proudly presents the FIRST-EVER Slo-Pitch Tournament! Experience the Thrill of the Game and Register Today! Calling all teams! We invite you to be a part of this exciting event. Registration is now…

Full Time Positions available in Manufacturing, Service, and Installation in Brandon, MB

  Full Time Positions available in Manufacturing, Service, and Installation in Brandon, MB   We know what it means to put the customer first – our business is built upon a tradition of exceptional, individualized customer service. Our employees experience the excitement and satisfaction that comes with working at Western Manitoba’s only CSA Certified Accredited factory where…

Changes to the City of Saskatoon Sign By-law

UPDATE TO THE SASKATOON SIGN BY-LAW! A vital component of the Sign Association of Canada and our Chapters and Regional Partners is maintaining open lines of communication with municipalities nationwide. This ensures that our members’ concerns are effectively heard and addressed while providing timely updates to our membership. The Saskatchewan Sign Association has been informed…

Government Relations Update for the Atlantic Provinces

A vital component of the Sign Association of Canada is maintaining open lines of communication with municipalities nationwide. This ensures that our members’ concerns are effectively heard and addressed while providing timely updates to our membership. As such we’re pleased to provide you with comments from and summaries of of the key takeaways from our…

All-Purpose Site Surveys | Elevate Your Sign Installations Today!

All-Purpose Site Surveys | Elevate Your Sign Installations Today! We are excited to release SAC’s complete portfolio of 15 versatile site surveys specifically crafted to streamline various types of sign installations. You will find surveys tailored to the most common sign installations in your members’ portal.  Our aim during the 2023 Cross Canada Road Show was to initiate…