On January 11, 2024, Sign Association of Canada and the Ontario Sign Association staff participated in City of Toronto’s virtual consultation session on Sign Bylaw Amendment applications and the Sign Bylaw Amendment process.

The consultation was organized in response to a directive from the Planning and Housing Committee on October 26, 2023. The committee directed the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, to conduct a thorough review of the regulations outlined in Chapter 694, Signs, General (the Sign Bylaw). The primary aim of this review is to ensure that requests for site and area-specific amendments to the Sign Bylaw, which are reviewed by the City Council, are pertinent to the intended scope of the Sign Bylaw Amendment process. Currently, there is an issue with sign bylaw amendments requests being included with variance requests in one application package, thereby slowing down the review process.  The City wants to distinguish these requests from issues that fall within the purview of the Sign Variance Committee. From the City’s perspective, doing so will help maintain clarity and efficiency in addressing sign-related issues within the regulatory framework.

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